Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Cinnamon is More than Just Tasty

If you follow me on Youtube, loseweightnowtv, you may have watched a video where I talked about Cinammon being good for us. Well, I just wanted to follow up with that. There was an article in a magazine, but I couldn't copy it and I'm not sure about copyright violations anyway, so here is a product I found interesting and I wanted to post it here.

Cinnamon promotes sugar metabolism and normal range of healthy glucose levels. Now these statements have not been evaluated by the FDA, but that's not important to me, as plenty of things that the FDA have approved, have later led to death and had to be recalled.

There is plenty of evidence in countries like India and the Mediterranean where cinnamon is used in the every day diet, diabetes and inflammation is much lower than ours here in the USA.

If you cannot think of ways to get more cinnamon in you (without sugar lol) than this product might be for you.