Soothing PMS

So PMS is something we as females must deal with every month for most of our lives. But, it doesn't have to be miserable. And, let me add, the loved one in our lives, at least the ones we live with have to deal with it too, right?

This blog post will list somethings that help me get through this very rough time of month. And for me it was very rough so I'll give you a brief history of my troubles.

Around 14 years old I started having really bad PMS symptoms, bad cramping, fainting and bad headaches. So I went on birth control pills with the permission of my mother, to combat the cramps and heaviness. But I just didn't like the way I felt on the pill, while PMS only lasted 7 days, the "icky" feelings I had on the pill lasted 3 weeks out of the month so that didn't last either.

So later in life I started getting pregnant and things and for me, I have felt the best I ever feel during the first 4 months of being pregnant. Then I was diagnosed with Endometriosis and that was even worse than anything I have ever experienced. Nothing helped that, accept... I got pregnant again. lol I have been pregnant about 6 times that I know of, but I have only been able to produce 2 children. I'm okay though no need for sympathy. Thanks though.

 okay so why am I writing this blogpost? Because there are items that are readily available to anyone, anywhere BUT NO ONE ever told me about them, so I am sharing them here.

When I was 100 pounds overweight that time of the month was horrible for me. Also I was older and new things were happening like hot flashes and cold flashes. So in addition to the bad pain, the tenderness, even heavier flows, cravings, irregular heartbeats, dizziness, and even weird brain issues like hard to concentrate and being even more dingy than I was already.

Starting the weightloss journey led me to eat cleaner, healthier foods, and focus on nutrition.  In my studies I learned that many of the things we crave during PMS is our body telling us it needs something. If you crave chocolate you may need magnesium.  Greasy foods, you may need salt.  So I started taking a multivitamin.  Any one will do, but try to get one made for women your age, try to get an organic one with no sugar.
I like this one off the shelf
And even if you don't take it every day, taking it during that time of the month will help. And overtime you will just want to take it every day. Seriously!

The next thing that I have found extremely helpful.... PMS Tea.  You only need to drink it during that time of the month and it really does help. I have been using it for about a year and it has been such a pleasure I wish I had known about it before,

and to help with the taste I like to mix it with this tea

And, finally but not least of all are these little tiny pellets that taste like sugar. I don't know how they work, but "hooooney, let me tell ya"  these are some bad a$$ little things I tell everyone I know about.

and I alternate with this one

As I said I don't know what is in these, obviously it is some herb and the ingredient notice I said ingredient is on the bottle. I admit I was skeptical at first but these 2 little pellets well you take 5 little and I do mean little every 3 hours. You just melt them on your tongue and they taste like sugar. I switch between the 2 because the first one is for heavy flow, and the 2nd one is for the lower back pain.  You can get these  at health food stores or even some WholeFoods but they really are cheaper online. And they last about  3 months because you only need to use them the first few days of your cycle.

If you are going to go to the store you need to right down the number and the name of the herb for instance Sepia 30 because they have like 200 of these and each one is a different herb that does a different thing.  So Sepia 30 by Boiron for heavy flow and Calcarea Flurica 30 C for lower back pain.  

Now for the mental issues I am still working on that, lol but what has helped me is before I go off the handle or get overly emotional I will ask myself do I really need to get angry about this or is it my hormones playing with me.  Or do I really need to get emotional about this or know.  and this has helped my household around this time.  

I do eat some good organic whole ice cream at least 2 days during this time. And I do have a bacon cheeseburger from a local place not a big name fast food chain. 

Fluid Retention  During PMS
Drink water, lots and lots of water. I know you hear everyone say that but it is true it helps. And I drink a lot of Cranberry juice during this time as well.  I saw a joke about it in the movie The Departed, and I thought to myself I wonder if that is true? So I started drinking cranberry juice, well more than I already do, around that time and I find that it helps ME.

Working Out During PMS
You probably hate those commercials of the cheerful, skinny, happy lady swimming at the beach in the you know what I'm talking about right?  lol For me, I slow down during this time of the month I just do some brisk walking.  But that is just me. Just do what works for you. I mean really that is the only thing you can do right?

If you are a woman that suffers, or if you live with a woman that suffers from really bad PMS I suggest sharing this blogpost with them.  They have really helped me and I truly believe they will help you too.

So, here's to soothing PMS and leave a comment if you find these helpful.
Thanks for viewing.

Tish Washington

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