Friday, May 24, 2013

What Doctors Don't Tell You

While shopping at Sprout's market today I couldn't help but buy this magazine

I was really surprised to see it and I can't wait to read it especially the Natural slimming article and how to prevent dementia.

I will give it a full review after I finish it. So come back later

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

March Against Monsanto

There is truly power in the people!

now, I'm not saying we have won the war, but it appears we are making headway in the battle Against GMO food products and perhaps against the evil Monsanto.

Watch my video below and then see the links below the video for more information.

**UPDATE scroll to bottom of post to see the update

Here is the link to the article about the CEO saying the public is being FAIR

March Against Monsanto this May 25th, 2013 Visit the link below to see a location near you

Here is the link and the article/order # that I mentioned in the video forcing Iraqi farmers to plant Monsanto GMO crops

  • Order 81 deals specifically with Plant Variety Protection (PVP) because it is designed to protect the commercial interests of corporate seed companies. Its aim is to force Iraqi farmers to plant so-called "protected" crop varieties 'defined as new, distinct uniform and stable’, and most likely genetically modified. This means Iraqi farmers will have one choice; to buy PVP registered seeds. Order 81 opens the way for patenting (ownership) of plant forms, and facilitates the introduction of genetically modified crops or organisms (GMOs) to Iraq. U.S. agricultural biotechnology corporations, such as Monsanto and Syngenta will be the beneficiaries. Iraqi farmers will be forced to buy their seeds from these corporations. GMOs will replace the old tradition of breeding closely related plants, and replace them with organisms composed of DNA from an altogether different species, e.g., bacterium genes into corn. In the long run, there won’t be a big enough gene pool for genetic viability.
So if you have some time to kill and this stuff interests you here is some sites I've come across to facilitate your own research: 

CPA Official Regulations/Orders: Order #39 specifically:

Global Research: Biopiracy and GMOs: The Fate of Iraq’s Agriculture:

This is big, and maybe one day they will over take but I can't NOT fight it.
I think of one person that made a difference for millions and I feel bad when I do the little bit I can do.
Point people to this blogpost, share my video with your social network, all we can do is make people aware and then it is up to them to do something.

I did .... now it's your turn.

Thanks for stopping by, come back soon.
See more of my videos click here

May 24th, 2013  
Click here to read the entire article  but if you don't here is the most important quote from the article :

"When even China has the will to destroy Monsanto’s GMOs, you know there’s something wrong with officials in the US who sit idly by as millions consume Monsanto’s Roundup-drenched GMO foods on a daily basis."

Read more:

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

WEightloss Challenge CatchUp

Okay I didn't really post anything since the 16th, I was having computer issues and we had a guest and I just didn't keep track of time.

BUT, I was pretty good with sticking to eating plan despite it being that time of the month for me. And I say that because I usually crave salty things, and chocolate and fruity things too.

I can't remember exactly what I ate especially Friday and Saturday. But I did walk on Friday a pretty good walk, I have some new music so that helped me get up the hill.  I will list those songs below.

Saturday the 18th, 2013 I was on my elliptical for 20 minutes, it was difficult but I did it.
I had a lot of water, half a Coke, and like 3 glasses of tea.


Sunday the 19th of May

I only did 15 minutes on the elliptical, and I did my yoga and stretching.  I did some grocery shopping for the week.

I had a bagel with Almond Butter and this organic jam

banana of course and water

 It is has been warm so I have been drinking even more water than usual
I drank a small coke maybe 10 oz

I had 4 Starburst candies

A Trader Jo's salad for lunch

Apple carrot juice

Dinner was 2 pieces of chicken, well the thighs skinned and deboned
beans and rice, well I just had beans

I ate an apple kind of for dessert.

More tea and water before going to bed.

So, there are only 10 days left in this month and I think I am seeing some results. I definitely feel better and I am in get ready for summer mode too.

I will be making more videos this week so be sure to come back.

Here is my newest play list:

Some of these songs have cuss words but you can get the radio edit which is what I prefer just a warning.  

What songs do you like to workout to?

Thanks for stopping by,

Tish Washington

Weightloss Prevention Challenge May 16th, 2013

It was a little hard to wake up this morning, I didn't get too much sleep last night.

We were out of bananas but I just drank cranberry pomegranate juice

I had some PMS tea

I did not stretch 

I drank a 8 oz glass of milk

big glass of water 20 oz with ice

I walked for 20 minutes

I had a protein bar, these are my favorite protein bars because they have only whey protein, no soy well of course they have soy lecithin it is almost impossible to find something without soy lecithin in it.  but check them out they taste pretty good and they are just the right size for a purse or gym bag, even a back pack my 14 year old eats them to and they come in many flavors 

I drank a 32 oz gatorade lemon-lime flavor.  Now it is has been recently revealed by a jr highschool student at that, that Gatorade has been putting brominated vegetable oil or something like that whatever it is it is not good for human consumption and they got busted by a 15 year old girl

read about it here if interested

But there is one that they sell at Whole Foods so I am "assuming" that one doesn't have the aforementioned ingredient in it lol  and it is smaller I think maybe only 20 oz not sure  but I was in a hurry and just grabbed what was near and it was that one.

I didn't have lunch, I made my apple carrot juice with spinach and ginger added to it. You have to use spinach or it will ruin so I have just been putting it in anything so I don't waste it.

More tea

dinner I had a very small homemade hamburger patty no bread just the ground beef, a cup of mixed veggies with butter and some potatoes why are potatoes sooooo good?

Blueberry juice with ice

PMS tea


Thursday, May 16, 2013

Prevention Weight Loss Challenge May 15th, 2013

It was another hot day and the first day of that wonderful womanly time of the month

So I have a real hard time with this. I have really weird, at least they seem weird to me, symptoms.
I get really thirsty, really tired, and I lose my appetite for the first 3 days.

If you care to know, click here to see what I use to make this time of the month easier for me.

I had a banana and cranberry juice with ice

water a big glass with ice

I did my stretching/yoga

I ate a chocolate chip cookie, hey I'm being honest lol

I made my apple carrot juice and I put some spinach in it and some ginger too

I had a cup of PMS tea

water with Chia seeds

Orange juice

I walked for 20 minutes uphill for 10 minutes downhill for 10 minutes

Tuna sandwich with spinach on it for dinner

Cranberry Pomegranate juice

A cup of that Peach Yogi Detox tea I talked about the other day

Yogi Tea Organic Peach Detox 16 Bags more water

It was a pretty good day very easy to stick to the plan I did have bread and 1 cookie but it's okay.
I also did 10 minutes on the inmotion elliptical  see video if you'd like

Thanks for stopping by, come back tomorrow.

Tish Washington

Prevention Weightloss Challenege May 14th, 2013

This was Monday

Newly motivated I woke up determined to walk or do something that would make me sweat for 30 minutes. From all my research, and it has been stated even in the article for the Prevention Weight loss Article along with dieting, you need to do some physical activity that makes you sweat for 30 minutes at least 3 times weekly but more like 5 or 6 times for best results.  I am trying to do a exercise video but it is more challenging than I thought it would be.

Started off the day as normal glass of water, banana

Green drink which is basically my breakfast

glass of water with chia seeds

lunch was a modest plate of the left over pasta from the night before

apple I would have paired that with string cheese but I didn't have any, don't you hate that? you think something is in the frig. you go for it and someone has eaten it already?  lol

dinner was chicken with salad and mixed veggies

no dessert but I had a glass of tea that was kind of sweat I mixed the PMS tea with a ginger tea and a peach detox tea and it was so hot I put ice in the tea so I drank it cold.

This is a new tea for me but it is delicious I will definitely be buying it again

I did not walk but I busted out my InMotion elliptical and used that for 20 minutes you can see that below and I did my stretching/yoga positions too.

This was a good day and easy to stick to my "plan"

Thanks for watching, and come back tomorrow! Tish Washington

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Angelina Jolie to Remove Healthy Breasts? Be Not Deceived!

I couldn't believe it when I read the headline.
An then of course I was instantly upset?

UPDATE UPDATE I should have mentioned this in the video but I didn't think of it...scroll to the bottom for the update.

Why would she does this?  Ok it's her personal medical decision.

Next thought?  If it is personal why is she telling the world?  Be not deceived. There is more to this than meets the eye. I know that sounds crass...but that is what I truly believe.

I have never been a fan of hers, she is noted for her work with refugees as a Special Envoy and former Goodwill Ambassador for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and in this position promoted humanitarian causes.  I can't help but feel this is a cause for her and will mislead many woman to prematurely remove healthy breasts.

Here why I am upset below in this video:

I take a 250 mg pill of Selenium every day 

The other minerals that help the body fight cancer are
Iodine, Zinc, Magnesium, Chromium and Manganese. It is very important, even if you eat organic foods, you must, must, must, take a multi vitamin and multi mineral every day.
This is one I like
And this is the Selenium I personally take Of course I said the wrong strength in the video but that is the one I take every day.

And here are the links to the info I quote that Dr. Wallach has sued and beat the FDA so we can say it is clinically proven to prevent breast and some other types if cancer as well

And this is the link where I read about the dramatic increase in the new cases of Breast Cancer

Take care of You
Thanks for visiting my blog

Tish Washington

UPDATE or added info there is a woman that had stage 4 breast cancer and "cured" herself through non chemo therapies I have a link to her website I'm not selling anything I am just passing on really helpful information 
when you go to her website on the right there is something saying Mushroom Science click on that and read that info if you care to.

Okay if I find any other helpful things from real people who have been given death diagnoses but have beaten them with nutrition I will post it here.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Prevention Weight Loss Challenge May 12th, 2013

It was Mother's Day the much anticipated day of this month.

I had one of the best mother's days I've had, maybe even the best.

My family met at this restaurant my aunt likes to go to.

I started the day as usual, water and banana

I didn't have any bread, and for me that is a biiiggg deal! I love bread. My perfect diet would be bread any kind with butter, bananas and oranges, carne asada tacos, ice cream and coca cola I would be happy. I could eat that every day for the rest of my life if it wouldn't kill me. lol

Anyway, I ordered pancakes.  This restaurant is called Lazy Dog Cafe and apparently every thing they serve is good, but my aunt was paying for me and my 2 boys so I was reserved, I really would like to try their steak but it was so hot that day I wasn't really that hungry. They serve brunch until 2 pm and we had time to get them so I did.

Wow!!  They were called Wild Blue Berry Pancakes. I thought the blueberries would be thrown on top and maybe in few in the pancake it self.  NO they were stuffed with little tiny blue berries and I swear the butter had bits of bacon in it.  I didn't ask but it tasted like it.  So delicious we may go back there  some time, it's about a 50 minute drive from my home but it was well worth the drive to be with family.

So of course the portion was enough for 3 people so I ate about half lol did you get what I said?  I gave the other half 2 my two boys they agreed best pancakes we've had so far.  They would've been great with vanilla ice cream too.  Now you know why I used to be 100 pounds over weight.

I had a few of my son's cajun french fries with ketchup of course, and I had a bunch of vanilla ice cream. I had a lemonade and water to drink.

So it was so hot and we were in a different city and I wanted to wait for traffic to die down so we went to the mall and walked around for about and hour and 30 minutes.  I have a video below about the mall experience if you care to watch it.

For dinner, of course I had to cook, I have boys! lol I made them a pasta dish with ground beef in it. I ate maybe 2 bites I really wasn't hungry after the food I'd eaten earlier and it was still pretty warm in the house.
I closed the night with a chocolate bunny my aunt gave me and  a cup of tea.

Here's the video...I hope you enjoy it.

Thanks for stopping by.

Tish Washington

Prevention Wieghtloss Challenge Catch-Up Saturday May 11th, 2013

OKay so I an way behind can I cannot remember what I ate on Friday, May 10th, 2013.
I know that I did do my regular Water and Banana, I drank my Chia seeds, I drank my green drink and a lot of water because it was hot.

I don't even remember what we had for dinner. Isn't that sad?

Okay but I do remember what I had Saturday.

I was out of bananas so I didn't have one in the morning, and I didn't drink the Chia seeds. Saturday is my cheat day so I don't always do the Chia seeds on the weekend. But I really do try to keep with water and banana every day. Have you ever looked up the benefits of bananas?  Oh you must they are many.

Anyway, but I didn't go over board on Saturday because I knew Sunday I was going out and was going to get in all the things I like. lol

For breakfast we had chicken sausage, scrambled eggs and I threw in some spinach. you can't really taste it and I just toss it in the eggs when they are mostly cooked just so it softens up the spinach.

I had the spinach on hand because now that is heating up I will get back to making my apple  carrot juice.  You can see a video about that here 

My son went to a birthday party so I had 2 pieces of cheese pizza.  I could have eaten more but 2 is good.  And then of course cake and ice cream.  there was no salad provided if there had been I would've eaten some of that too for more balance but you know..whatever.   I just had a palm size peice of cake, and it was a light cake, yellow caked with strawberries and whipped cream in the middle. and I had 1 scoop of vanilla ice cream.

I try not to cook on Saturday nights so the kids wanted... pizza of course. I got them pizza and I ate a salad or dinner.

Of course I had water and I drank my Daily Detox Tea I alternate this tea with my PMS tea. Just fyi.

This video below is a video I did that is a "Rant" video but I really want people to wake up!!!! so enjoy this video  hopefully you will find something of value in it

Thanks for stopping by, come back soon.

Tish Washington

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Chia Seeds

OKay so as I was writing the foods I ate for my Prevention Challenge for May 8th, 2013 I realized that I hadn't mentioned I take a Tablespoon of Chia seeds every day.

I used to put them in my protein shakes that I make in my Nutri Bullet, see my video about my nutribullet but during the colder months it has been hard to make the protein shakes. BUt I realize the benefits of Chia seeds so I just got over the weird feeling of swallowing them and I just drink them every day now.

So below my list of what I ate yesterday I will post a video and more info on the benefits of Chia seeds.

I started with my normal water and banana.

I had a 1 cup amount bowl of cereal a different granola this one has flax seeds too but it also has dark chocolate and dried strawberries.  This is really good and I also put a teaspoon of cinnamon in this

After this I drank water with the chia sees in it

I was on the go yesterday I didn't have a "lunch" per se, I ate a handful of nuts and berries from Trader Jo's, I drank my green drink that I get from Whole Foods which in the video I did I explain that it is like drinking a salad.  Very nutritious, now I say it is delicious but I have been drinking it for a year and in the beginning I did not like it at all.  I made a video about it you can click here to watch that video if you want to 

I had a snack of about 15 Sweet Potato tortilla chips, and my stomach was bothering me a little so I had about 10 oz of Coke with ice.

Dinner was a chicken sausage, some pasta and mixed veggies.
I ate 2 dark chocolate truffles for dessert.

I figured out I am PMS'ing, which is why my stomach was a little upset. I checked my calendar and figured out what was going on so I drank a cup of my PMS tea that I drink during that time of the

More water
and that was that for the day.

Benefits of Chia seeds

We all know how important it is to get enough essentials fatty acids (EFAs) in your diet. Some good food sources containing omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids include fish, shellfish, flax seeds, leafy green vegetables and walnuts. Unfortunately, it is not always easy to obtain enough of these fatty acids on a daily basis. 
"Drinking" Chia seeds is an easy fix to this at least for me. I explain how I take them in the video below.

Under the video I did I will write more about the benefits of Chia seeds 

A List of the Benefits of Chia Seeds

  • Supports Heart Health
    Chia seeds can help reduce blood pressure. The seeds contain one of the highest known plant sources of essential fatty acids (omega-3 and omega-6). EFAs cannot be synthesized by our bodies however, it is very important that we get enough to support our immune, cardiovascular, nervous and reproductive systems. EFA deficiency is quite common in North America.
  • Stabilizes Blood Sugar
    Chia seeds slow down the rate at which complex carbohydrates are digested and then assimilated into the body. The soluble fiber helps to stabilize blood glucose levels resulting in steady, sustained energy. SO it may help with diabetes, that is part of what diabetes is, the inability for the body to stabilize blood sugar. I'm just saying. lol
  • Energizing
    Chia seeds are a balanced blend of protein, carbohydrates, fats and fiber. It is said that 1 tablespoon of Chia can sustain a person for 24 hours. Athletes have reported that Chia seeds help them perform at optimal levels for much longer periods of time. My son plays football and during the season I make sure he has them in a protein shake daily.
  • Anti-Inflammatory Properties 
    A number of arthritis sufferers have reported reduced pain and inflammation after a few weeks of taking Chia seeds. The high concentration of omega-3 helps to lubricate joints and keep them supple. Additionally, Omega-3s are converted into prostaglandins which are known to have both pain relieving and anti-inflammatory effects.
  • Weight Loss
    The essential fatty acids contained in Chia seeds helps to boost metabolism and promote lean muscle mass. The seeds are sometimes added to food to provide bulk and nutrients while adding very few calories. For these reasons, many people have found Chia quite useful in weight loss and weight maintenance.
  • Detoxification and Elimination
    Similar to psyllium, the swelling action of Chia in the body helps to cleanse and soothe the colon, and absorb toxins while lubricating and strengthening peristaltic action.
  • High Quality Protein
    Chia seeds contain about 20% protein, a higher percentage than found in many other grains such as wheat and rice. Chia seeds contain strontium which helps to assimilate protein and produce high energy.
  • Antioxidants
    Chia seeds are an excellent source of antioxidants containing even more antioxidants than fresh blueberries. The high amounts of antioxidants in Chia seeds also keeps the oils from going rancid - contributing to a long shelf life.
  • Brain Power
    EFAs are known to make cell membranes more flexible and efficient making nutrients more readily available and nerve transmission more efficient. This helps to improve brain function (including memory and concentration).
     (This list is from an article by Charles Bradley) 

  • so give them a try, they are an easy thing to add to what you are already doing that can improve your health.  There is even a recipe to make a chocolate pudding with them. 

  • thanks for stopping by,

    Stay tuned...
    Tish Washington
    Watch more of me on Youtube

    Wednesday, May 8, 2013

    Prevention Challenge May 7th, 2013

    Eating Blog and A New Video On How to Turn a Habit into Your Nature


    bowl of cereal but this is a granola type with hemp and flax seeds and dried strawberries
    very delicious even my kids eat it, and I put a teaspoon of cinnamon in it I buy it at Sprouts.

    I wasn't really hungry so I didn't have a snack
    grape juice with apple cidar vinegar

    Chicken salad from Trader Jo's
    8 oz glass of cherry juice with ice

    Snack was a glass of Green Goodness juice
    this is an Organic drink that tastes really good and is an easy way to transition into drinking green juice

    you can read more about it see what's in it.
    In the video below I will talk about a different green juice that I buy at Whole Foods it is much different lol

    palm size piece of steak
    mashed potatoes

    was an orange

    glass of juice with apple cidar vinegar

    The video below talks about how to make a habit into your nature.

    So breaking bad habits or starting new good habits can be done.  I am living proof.

    I'd like to share with you something I read somewhere

    "Unless you are willing to change what you're doing today...all your tomorrows will look like yesterday!

    Take care and come back tomorrow.

    Tish Washington
    See more of me on Youtube

    Prevention Challenge May 6th, 2013

    Mondays Are always good for me because the kids go back to school so it helps me stick to my plan or scheduled eating whatever you want to call it.  I try to not say the word diet... at all! lol

    Okay I woke up to my usual


    Breakfast was a yogurt with some granola and cinnamon
    followed by grapefruit juice with Apple Cidar Vinegar in it

    More water


    Black beans with chicken
    Glass of Cranberry/Pomegranate Juice


    I made this Asian stir fry dish
    chicken lots of red and green peppers onions
    this sauce I get at trader jo's
    I eat it with this egg noodles

    Dessert was an Orange

    I'm 2 days behind so this is a short post.

    Go to May 7th for more info and a video Habit to Nature

    Thanks for stopping by....


    Monday, May 6, 2013

    Prevention Challenge May 5th, 2013

    Cinco De Mayo!!!!

    But it was cold and rainy here so we really didn't feel like doing any "Celebrating."

    I really only ate 2 meals today. You know I'm an insomniac so sleep doesn't come easy to me most nights.  But this night or morning I had an extremely disturbing dream or vision. I jumped straight up out of bed and did not want to go back to sleep.  My children just happened to be up too, because it was Saturday night. So we ended up staying up until like 7 am.  Then I woke up about 11 am and did some stuff I like to do on Sundays.

    Of course I had some water and a banana.

    Then my kids woke up about 1pm so I made them a real country breakfast...
    diced ham, the last of the ham thankfully
    scrambled eggs with green  and red bell peppers with onions
    and potatoes I have no idea how to explain the potatoes, they are like steam with a little olive oil and seasoned

    I had approximately 2 eggs with lots of peppers and onions
    a few potatoes
    no ham.

    I made some fresh squeezed orange juice too.

    We all had a snack some time of apples in Nutella, If you have not had Nutella....OMG you are missing out. lol  check it out
    it is soooo good. Almost too good.

    Then a little later we had some guacamole and chips, they ate most of it but I had a few for the spirit of the day! lol

    Chicken with kind of mexican flare
    black beans I made rice for my kids but I didn't have any.
    mixed veggies

    I didn't have any dessert I just drank some really sweet cherry juice with ice (of course) lol

    I had some coffee today and I did not exercise. The dog was inside because of the rain and if you're on the floor in our house he thinks you are on the floor to pet him lol. So it's difficult to workout when he is in side.  Great excuse right?

    That's it for today, I 'm a little behind on my video ...I hope to catch up on Tuesday.... come back and see if I do it.

    Take care,
    Tish Washington
    Watch me Youtube

    Sunday, May 5, 2013

    Prevention Challeng May 4th, 2013

    You could call this Weight loss Challenge or Healthy Body Challenge whichever you like best.

    I was feeling good today!  I caught up on my sleep. But I did have coffee it was a Saturday and I was up early preparing for the busy day we had.

    Of course I started my day with a glass of water, there were no bananas so I had a handful of fruits and nuts.

    It is important to put something in your stomach as early as possible. If you are lucky enough to get 8 hours of sleep... that is considered a fast to your body and that is why we have to break the fast. But even for me I don't get 8 hours of sleep but I try not to eat after 9 pm.  So, having a banana and water at 5 am or 6 am is still breaking the 8 hour fast.  It sets my stomach for breakfast and it has just helped me balance out for the day.  I have been doing this for about a year and I really believe it helps.

    It was hard to get used to at first but I got used to it, and now it is habit/nature and I get really hungry and thirsty if I don't AT LEAST drink 8 oz of water without ice first thing in the morning.

    It is Saturday and I try to make a traditional breakfast on the weekends so I had an egg sandwich using the complete egg and a fist sized onion roll, and an orange.

    I drank about 6 oz of grapefruit juice with a tablespoon of Apple Cidar Vinegar

    It was pretty warm today I drank a lot of water again today. It's funny doing this blog has made me realize I drink a lot of water. lol  And that is big for me, I used to drink 3 cokes a day. I did not like the taste of water all! But now water is like my go to drink.  I do not drink tap water. I buy water that is filtered 7 times from this little "wateria" 25 cents a gallon.  When money is flowing I like to buy this water called Hawaiian water   there is more than one called Hawaiian water it's the one in the blue bottles. This water is so good! And it is ph balanced which is good for us, I even give my dog this water occasionally.  You can get it at Whole Food buy a case you get a case discount even if it is on sale!
    Anyway, back to my food journal lol

    For lunch was a Trader Jo's salad it is called Broccoli slaw with chicken, it is one of my favorites.
    I had some cherry juice with this

    Snack I had a greek yogurt

    Dinner was basically the same, I made this Misala style chicken I had the same 2 thighs skinned and deboned, organic peas, and pasta

    Dessert was a banana I was able to get to the store and buy some. Yay!!!!

    That was it for the day, I had another 2 glasses of water during the night before going to bed.

    I did do my 20 minute of exercising plus I did a lot of walking around on Saturday too.
    Thanks for stopping by.

    Tish see my latest video on youtube   

    Friday, May 3, 2013

    Prevention Challenge May 3rd, 2013

    Good day today it was hot again so I wasn't very hungry.  I have noticed as I get older, heat seems to make me not want to eat, but that can be a bad thing too.  If you don't have "enough" to eat your body will think you are starving and will hold fat not release it.

    Friday's are a different for me my son only has one class so I take him and then I sit at Starbuck's and wait
    So I didn't have time to stretch or workout in the morning.

    I had a banana and a glass of water that is pretty much my standard morning meal stick with me and you will see, lol.

    Lunch was  same ham wrapped around string cheese but I also had a cucumber salad prepared by Fresh n Easy, it was quite tasty and cucumbers are great for you!

    Snack was yogurt and handful of nuts and berries.

    Another snack I had was a medium size apple and some Nutella.

    Dinner was chicken again but seasoned/flavored differently
    leftover cabbage I love cabbage. A year ago I would not have typed this sentence.

    No dessert I had a 6 oz with ice glass of black cherry juice.

    ***NOT I did not have ANY coffee today!!!! That is big for me, I usually need it to wake up. I didn't have time to make it before leaving the house. I rarely drink Starbuck's coffee it's too expensive and it makes my stomach hurt.  BUT I think it is the workout and the change in my diet, (no bread, rice, etc.) that may be the key.  We'll see if I can do it tomorrow! lol

    I will be posting a video here about my exercises that I'm doing some come back to see that.

    May Challenge Day 2 May 2nd, 2013

    I made it through Day 2 with no problems at all.  Yeah right!

    I was out of my regular schedule again, so I had to sit at a Starbuck's for 2 and half hours. So I ordered a bagel with cream cheese.  Now, if you don't know me, or haven't seen me on Youtube, I am a Christian and I rely heavily on God for everything.  So I ordered an everything bagel which, like it sounds has everything...including cheese on it. Very fattening, and not what I should have ordered.  And I ordered a water, Starbucks give you like a 12 oz cup of water for free if you ask for it.  When I picked up my order, they had given me a multigrain bagel and a 20 oz "glass" of water.  I laughed to myself and said ok God, thanks for Your help.

    So, for breakfast I had a multigrain bagel with cream cheese. and I drank all the water and ate the ice.

    For lunch I had 2 slices of ham wrapped around a string cheese.  now, I try my best not to pork. But, I do have children 2 boys, one of them especially likes ham so I try to switch up our choices and it was his turn so we have ham. BUT this ham is from Trader Jo's and it is nitrate and nitrite free.  I'm just saying...ok? lol

    I also ate an orange and something else which I can't remember right now.
    I drank about 8 oz of black cherry juice with my Apple Cidar Vinegar in it.

    Snack was the handful of nuts and berries I had yesterday
    16 0z of coffee

    Dinner was 2 chicken thighs skinned and boned.
    Steamed Cabbage

    Dessert was a fruit leather.

    I drank more water than usual today because it was really hot.
    I did 30 minutes of floor exercises I was a little sore from yesterday's brief workout so I guess a short, targeted, workout really can cause some results.

    We shall see...

    Really I believe because every body is different the proper proportion for each of us is different. So if you use your hand to measure like meat servings, potatoe or carb servings for example, you are probably getting the proper proportion for you. If you are dieting...  But also this is a great way to make healthy eating a new lifestyle which is what we must do family.  The United States diet is the worst in the world, so we have to take control in every way that we can of our health.

    Thanks for watching stopping by.

    Thursday, May 2, 2013

    Prevention Challenge May 1st, 2013

    OKay this will be a hodge podge, like my brain, post.
    If you didn't see my video explaining this click here to see it if you wish 

    Day 1
    I got up at approximately 5:15 am I  drank 8 oz glass of water

    I ate a small banana

    I did about 15 minute of stretching/yoga

    I slept from 9:20am to 11:15 am.  This is not normal for me I was waiting for someone and fell asleep in the car, lol but if you follow me you know I am an insomniac and have weird sleep patterns. but 2 hours in the car was some really good sleep.

    Lunch was a medium plate of left over from last night veggie pasta, with ground beef, green and red bell peppers, and black olives.  I would have had a small salad with that but I was out so I just had the pasta with an 8 oz glass of pomegrenate juice afterward with ice, and I eat the ice while drinking the juice.  So that was also about another 8 oz of water.

    I did some errands.

    I recorded the video below.

    I did 20 minutes of floor exercises, bridges, plank, chair tricep dips for the back of my arms (2 of these are from the Prevention magazine but I had to alter what they have there because I have bad knees and I can't do lunges which is what they suggested.)

    I ate a "handful of" (that is what Trader Joe's calls it) almonds, cashews and cranberries
    I did more errands

    I made and drank some orange ginger juice.
    I made and drank some coffee, 8 oz with 5 teaspoons of sugar

    dinner was 2 chicken thighs, skinned and boned, a cup of mixed veggies, and about a 1/2 cup of pasta.
    dessert was a fruit leather, it is like a fruit roll up if you remember those ... but it is small and organic

    I drank another 8 oz glass of water  with ice so really about 16 oz of water while posting this blogpost

    I didn't eat that much, and I wasn't hungry. I could have had a snack/meal during the time I was asleep and it would have been okay, but thankfully we can't eat while we are sleeping!

    Here are the 5 Herbs I talked about that help with digestion and other ones while trying to eat healthy or eat to lose weight. Actually the info is under the video

    Turmeric or Curcumin
    Used for over 4000 years, this herb helps skin, and other things but I like it because it helps with digestion and most of us are lacking the proper enzymes needed for easier digestion and bloating.

    This herb is also has antioxidant properties, it has also been used for centuries. It also helps with digestion but it adds a great flavor to most foods which helps when you are dieting and limiting what you are eating.

    This herb I seem to find only in seed form so I boil it with water I'm using for tea. It is also great to help with digestion even in babies for colic. It can also be used to open up bronchial passages so it can help with asthma and bronchitis.

    CORIANDER or in the west we call it CILANTRO
    Another herb that helps with digestion, you can use the seeds but I prefer fresh cilantro chopped up in mexican food dishes, and it is in my green drink that I get from whole foods often.  It is great to help with digestion, bloating, stomach cramps, and it provides some fiber too.

    There are so many benefits from using ginger I can't do it justice here, but try to get more ginger in your diet. You can chop some and put in orange juice and the flavor will get into the juice or any juice in your frig. Same with water. grate fresh ginger easily and put it in chicken dishes, or fish too.  A little goes a long way.

    I hope this helps you and look for the next post which will not be this long!