Sunday, May 5, 2013

Prevention Challeng May 4th, 2013

You could call this Weight loss Challenge or Healthy Body Challenge whichever you like best.

I was feeling good today!  I caught up on my sleep. But I did have coffee it was a Saturday and I was up early preparing for the busy day we had.

Of course I started my day with a glass of water, there were no bananas so I had a handful of fruits and nuts.

It is important to put something in your stomach as early as possible. If you are lucky enough to get 8 hours of sleep... that is considered a fast to your body and that is why we have to break the fast. But even for me I don't get 8 hours of sleep but I try not to eat after 9 pm.  So, having a banana and water at 5 am or 6 am is still breaking the 8 hour fast.  It sets my stomach for breakfast and it has just helped me balance out for the day.  I have been doing this for about a year and I really believe it helps.

It was hard to get used to at first but I got used to it, and now it is habit/nature and I get really hungry and thirsty if I don't AT LEAST drink 8 oz of water without ice first thing in the morning.

It is Saturday and I try to make a traditional breakfast on the weekends so I had an egg sandwich using the complete egg and a fist sized onion roll, and an orange.

I drank about 6 oz of grapefruit juice with a tablespoon of Apple Cidar Vinegar

It was pretty warm today I drank a lot of water again today. It's funny doing this blog has made me realize I drink a lot of water. lol  And that is big for me, I used to drink 3 cokes a day. I did not like the taste of water all! But now water is like my go to drink.  I do not drink tap water. I buy water that is filtered 7 times from this little "wateria" 25 cents a gallon.  When money is flowing I like to buy this water called Hawaiian water   there is more than one called Hawaiian water it's the one in the blue bottles. This water is so good! And it is ph balanced which is good for us, I even give my dog this water occasionally.  You can get it at Whole Food buy a case you get a case discount even if it is on sale!
Anyway, back to my food journal lol

For lunch was a Trader Jo's salad it is called Broccoli slaw with chicken, it is one of my favorites.
I had some cherry juice with this

Snack I had a greek yogurt

Dinner was basically the same, I made this Misala style chicken I had the same 2 thighs skinned and deboned, organic peas, and pasta

Dessert was a banana I was able to get to the store and buy some. Yay!!!!

That was it for the day, I had another 2 glasses of water during the night before going to bed.

I did do my 20 minute of exercising plus I did a lot of walking around on Saturday too.
Thanks for stopping by.

Tish see my latest video on youtube   

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